Whitewater Foundry version scheme change

To make our versioning system more accurate to the aim of each product, we will make the following changes visible in the next release of each product:


Pengwin is our rolling update distribution based on Debian. It receives updates every month. It is more logical that the version reflects the release date. So the version numbers now will be: YY.MM.## and the next release will be 20.04.0.

Fedora Remix for WSL:

This distribution is wholly tied to Fedora mainstream release. The logic says that we should number it according to the Fedora version, which it is based. So the version numbers now will be: FEDORA_RELEASE.MM.##, and the next release will be 31.04.0.

Pengwin Enterprise:

These are a set of builds based on distributions in the RedHat world. RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux, and Oracle Linux all have the same version scheme. So the version numbers now will be RHEL_RELEASE_MAYOR.RHEL_RELEASE_MINOR.##. The next release depends on the build generated, but the version published in Microsoft Store based on Scientific Linux will be 7.7.3

We are hoping that this change will help everyone better follow the releases.
