Pengwin Enterprise 8.5 released with GPU acceleration on Windows 11

Pengwin Enterprise has been upgraded to Enterprise Linux 8.5, with an important addition, GPU Acceleration in WSL2 in Windows 11. Pengwin Enterprise comes with Mesa preinstalled, so you can install your favorite 3D modeling application like Blender and take advantage of your GPU in Windows 11.

Pengwin Enterprise 8.5.0

  • Upgraded the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) distro to Enterprise Linux 8.5, personal version was upgraded to Rocky Linux 8.5 and corporate version to RHEL 8.5.

  • Recompiled the provided Mesa 21.1.5 to include the Microsoft Direct 3D driver making Pengwin Enterprise 8 the first enterprise Linux distribution to have GPU acceleration in Windows 11.

  • Fixed an error preventing some users to launch Pengwin Enterprise 8 from Windows Terminal.

  • If you have Windows Terminal 1.12, Windows 11 and set Windows Terminal as the default console, when you open Pengwin Enterprise 8 from start menu, it will launch in Windows Terminal with the right profile selected.

Existing users can update immediately by running $

Report bugs and suggestions here.

More about Pengwin Enterprise: Click here

-The Pengwin Team